イギリスのフェス出演が決まりました I’m gonna play a festival in UK

🎉I’m gonna play a festival in UK🇬🇧
イギリスで行われるフェス、”Hyper Japan Online”に日本時間の今週日曜未明、出演します!様々な日本文化を紹介するフェスティバル。今年はオンラインで実現!
7月11日(日) 午前4:30、コチラのチャンネルで
(YouTubeチャンネル登録が100未満なのはEps氏だけなのでチャンネル登録お願いします、、、😂 Epstein channel→ https://youtube.com/channel/UCH5EuKXvLiS_YAXa9Cl1lfw)
I’m gonna play “HYPER JAPAN ONLINE 2021” on this Saturday, 10, July!
This festival is online this year. You can find Japanese culture like animation, food, tradition, Katana, Samurai, live performance, Kanji, drawing and so on!!!!
My performance is on a roof top of the historical building in my hometown. As known as a black market after World War Two, Building on the water channel 🏢
On Saturday, 10, July 8:30 p.m.(UK)
via this YouTube channel
(If you missed it, you can also see archive)
Performer’s biography
(It’s only me who have less than 100 subscribers,,,😂 So subscribe my channel please!)
So I hope you enjoy!!
Have fun with it 👍